Thursday, October 18, 2012

Interactivity #2


  1. I chose the same picture to depict the form of technology most influential in my content area as well. I believe this was used very frecuenty back then because this was te more authentic was of hearing the language. I believe most of what the student did with forgein languages was memorization and repitiion because with a computer you can not receive feedback. As the years went by I believe the teachers were more and more educated in various languages needed in everyday life and taught students how to speak and understand basic things.

  2. This was definitively a break through in foreign language study, however, it still has its flaws. One of them you mentioned in your comment: there's no feedback. I think feedback is needed in order for you to know that you are headed in the right direction. Also, this method works best for people who are self motivated and are truly intested in learning the language. All students who may not be as interested are not likely to be engaged in this kind of learning. Finally, I believe that language and culture go hand in hand. There are very few things a recording can show you about culture and the people this language represents. As with everything, technology has is pros and cons. This method has been proven effective by programs like Rosetta Stone but it may not suit every student and it can be very expensive.
